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Rogers McHugh Recruitment joins Inco Contracts DIY SOS

Rogers McHugh Recruitment joins Inco Contracts DIY SOS


As a business we pride ourselves not only in our partnerships we form with our clients but also the work we do in both the National and Local communities in terms of sponsorship and charitable efforts. So when one of our clients Inco Contracts asked us to take part in their DIY SOS we jumped at the chance.


In honour of their colleague Paul Finch, who they sadly lost and whom spent his last few days at St Giles Hospice they vowed to refurbish some of the areas. The works included the new "Fina's Terrace", a new children's play area, an overhaul of the patient bedroom patio areas, landscaping, and general planned maintenance works across the site to help with the up keep of the buildings.


2 of our colleagues James Kemp and Joel Griffiths who both work with Inco Contracts on a weekly basis wanted to give up their time to muck in and help the vision of the Inco Foundation become a reality.


The works look fantastic and all at Rogers McHugh are proud of both James and Joel for the efforts they put in and also of all the volunteers who took their time to help out!


Bravo Inco Contracts on a job well done and thank you for letting us get involved.